Author Topic: Shulker Box Glitch  (Read 2543 times)

Offline Saxturian (OP)

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Shulker Box Glitch
« on: 10 September 2019, 01:30:16 AM »
Hello all!

While Cyphur and I were playing last night, September 9th, about 11PM US Eastern time, he gave me a shulker box, and upon placing it in my village, I opened it and it was empty, despite it saying its contents in my inventory and Cyphur assuring me there were items in there. We then tried it in the wild, and the same thing happened. Also, it was duping the boxes left and right for some reason, so I put all the dupes in a chest in my village and they are awaiting staff collection. I'd also like to note, Cyphur channeled his inner Luis and determined that it wasn't a player connection issue, it was a server issue (or something like that, he's the genius.) I just wanted to let staff know, as I don't know if this has been an ongoing issue, or if this is simply an isolated incident. Thank yall!
If you smoke my stash I will cut your dick off and feed it to my hounds so they get a good taste for your flesh. I will then set you free in the forest and give you a one day head start so my hounds get nice and hungry, then I will unleash them and they will hunt you and devour your flesh. hoe

I don't see why a little porn is dark but ok.

Also, if you do choose to hack VC in whatever method, I can get your IPs from the server log, and with more coding knowledge than most people here, I could easily and more importantly legally hack you back. And if you hack VC, I'll be cross. Don't try it.

That is all
Luis, in all his badassery

I love the yearly reminders that Jan has much bigger balls than I do.

Offline luisc99

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Re: Shulker Box Glitch
« Reply #1 on: 10 September 2019, 02:18:47 AM »
I'll look into this tonight hopefully if I have time when I get home. Definitely something that needs fixing though

Offline Saxturian (OP)

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Re: Shulker Box Glitch
« Reply #2 on: 10 September 2019, 07:24:59 PM »
I'll look into this tonight hopefully if I have time when I get home. Definitely something that needs fixing though

Hey Luis, I'll be on around 10ish US Eastern time if you have time and want to take a look at it. If there's no time, it's all good. Thank you!!
If you smoke my stash I will cut your dick off and feed it to my hounds so they get a good taste for your flesh. I will then set you free in the forest and give you a one day head start so my hounds get nice and hungry, then I will unleash them and they will hunt you and devour your flesh. hoe

I don't see why a little porn is dark but ok.

Also, if you do choose to hack VC in whatever method, I can get your IPs from the server log, and with more coding knowledge than most people here, I could easily and more importantly legally hack you back. And if you hack VC, I'll be cross. Don't try it.

That is all
Luis, in all his badassery

I love the yearly reminders that Jan has much bigger balls than I do.

Offline luisc99

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Re: Shulker Box Glitch
« Reply #3 on: 11 September 2019, 07:07:05 AM »
around 10ish US Eastern time

I will probably be free at some point around then. If I'm not on the server, feel free to "@Luis" me either on Discord or in-game, both work.

Offline luisc99

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Re: Shulker Box Glitch
« Reply #4 on: 11 September 2019, 12:42:29 PM »
Figured it out, the conversion from the old chunk format in 1.12 to "the flattening" chunk format used in 1.14 apparently didn't bother to convert caulker boxes in shops, so every time you tried to place one it had a tantrum and gave up. I fixed the one in question from Sax, if there's any more let me know. If it's a major issue, I'll probably whip up a quick plugin to take care of it properly instead of me doing it manually all the time.

If anyone has any shucker box sell shops ( I'm looking at you @Frog), let me know and I'll help you convert them