Announcement - Updates to Brewery!!We heard you, and we've made changes to some of the brewery recipes - the goal was to make things a little easier and hopefully a bit less frustrating. If you have one of these recipes already perfected, feel free to message me and I will tell you specifically what has changed, but you'll have to tell me what you know already - not giving away
all the secrets

Otherwise, here is a list of which brews have changed, and generally what we changed - yes, I realize some of these aren't well-known already, you're welcome
Red wine – barrel aging times significantly reduced
White wine - barrel aging times significantly reduced
Apple liquor – now made with a lot fewer apples, significantly reduced cooking time, and slightly reduced barrel aging time
Scotch – now with fewer of each ingredient, shorter cooking time, and reduced barrel aging time
Rum – now with fewer of each ingredient and shorter barrel aging time
Vodka – cooking time significantly reduced’
Mushroom vodka – fewer of one specific ingredient, significantly shorter cooking time, shorter barrel aging time
Tequila – fewer ingredients, significantly shorter cooking and barrel aging times
Mezecal – fewer of one specific ingredient, significantly shorter cooking time, significantly shorter barrel aging time
Absinthe – fewer ingredients
Fire whiskey – significantly reduced barrel aging time
Bourbon – fewer of one specific ingredient, significantly shorter cooking time