Author Topic: The VillageCraft Parliament Guidelines | Making Suggestions | Votes  (Read 9232 times)

Offline Akomine (OP)

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NOTICE: Register for Parliament here:

The VillageCraft Parliament:
The Parliament is welcome to everyone to propose, discuss, and participate in the ideas process to shape the future of VillageCraft.
This is the place for suggestions, asking questions, getting involved, and voting on changes to VC. Anyone may comment, and but only MPs may vote or hold office.

Members of Parliament - MPs
If you are an active participating member in good standing in the VC community, you are eligible to be an MP.
Historically, the requirement has been donor status, or owning a village in VillageCraft's Minecraft server. Nowadays, any of the above are acceptable.

Register for Parliament here:

MPs can vote in all Parliament Votes. MPs can hold office in any office the Parliament offers, such as the Community Minister position.
Nobody may use multiple accounts to gain multiple MP accounts or votes. Inactive members may be removed from time to time.

Parliament Votes
All votes that take place in the Parliament must have clear questions and answers, plus the ability to abstain.
All votes must initially be open for at least 5 days of voting. After 2 days, this length can be shortened or lengthened at the request of 2 or more MPs if the result is overwhelming, or if the debate is ongoing.
There are two types of Parliament Votes:

Official Parliament Votes:
Legislative actions that apply changes to VillageCraft. The entire Parliament votes, and the outcome is binding. Examples include adding or removing plugins, creating regulations, major changes to rules, creating new policies, or any other significant change that affects VillageCraft.

List of past Parliament Votes:

Official Parliament Votes may be initiated through the Senate of VillageCraft, or by the VillageCraft Staff after consulting with the Parliament.
All Official Parliament Votes are advertised to make sure everyone has the chance to vote. The results are published and the legislation comes into effect as soon as possible.

Learn about the Senate of VillageCraft:

Simple Parliament Votes:
All other types of votes that make changes that do not affect the entire community, or have no effect. These are easier to conduct, do not need to be aggressively advertised, and have a lower requirement to initiate. These require a public discussion, and then 3 MP nominations to have a vote. The vote request must be clear and then certified to be acceptable by the Community Minister or a Staff Member, who will post the vote.

With relation to the Senate of VillageCraft, Simple Parliament Votes can be used to:
- Fill vacant seats by sortition from the Current Sortition List at any time.
- Remove one or more Senators at any time.

Suggesting Changes and Plugins
You may want to suggest a change to the server, so it's best to do it well. Start a discussion. You should post in a way that clearly describes the change to the server so that we can all understand what you're proposing.

Remember, though proposing changes can be a good thing, just remember you are proposing changes that are likely to affect everyone on the server. If your proposal gets lots of interest/debate/ideas on it, the more likely it is to get recognized and come to fruition. Offer feature ideas with detail, and if it's a plugin, provide a link.

Suggesting Plugins:
Plugins are modification packages that add features to a server. Please find the plugin on Bukkit, Spigot, or another plugin site, and share it in your proposal.

Describe what you'd like to see on the server, and especially how it would alter play on the server. What are the benefits? Any concerns? Get a discussion going, get interest in the idea.

If there is enough interest, you can contact the Senators, who can push for a Parliament Vote on the idea.

Parliament Office Positions
The VC Parliament has had different office positions from time to time, and any MP is eligible to hold office in one. Below are the current office positions:

Community Minister of VillageCraft - CM
The CM runs community events, and can choose to be a Senator. The CM can also certify Simple Parliament Votes.
This is an elected position, and elections occur by request from MPs.
Full Community Minister info here:

Senate of VillageCraft - Senators
The Senate discusses, debates, and votes on legislation to send to the Parliament for Official Parliament Votes, and can investigate Staff members of wrongdoings.
This is a sortition selected position, and MPs can place their name on the Sortition List to attempt to be randomly selected to join the Senate.
Full Senate info here:

Thanks for your interest in the VillageCraft Parliament!

List of past Parliament Votes:
NOTICE: Register for Parliament here:
Edit note: This post received a major overhaul on 16 Nov 2020, removing most of the old text. The old version is archived.
« Last Edit: 20 January 2021, 06:14:20 PM by Akomine »

Ako is gay and has superaids - Air