Looks like we'll be neighbors. Provo, huh? Man, I think over 80% of residents there are Mormon. I hope you get to venture to other cities.
Hold on to your butt, elder, because from what I've heard Mormons here are VERY different. It's not just a religion but a culture though as far as the negative parts of that go it has improved the last five years.
One thing to prepare for right away, everyone in Utah stares at you. It's such a bizarre phenomenon. Maybe not if you're wearing your missionary attire, but if you're dressed casually they will stare you down like you killed their mother.
Also nobody uses their blinkers and it's freaking INFURIATING. Drive (or cycle) like everyone is out there to vehicular murder you.
Anyway, I wish you the best on your mission. If you ever need anything I'm around.
Stay safe.